Having a dry and sometimes itchy scalp can be a pain and embarrassment, especially if it is accompanied by dandruff. After reading this post, you will know the best home remedies for dry scalp you will want to remember when your scalp needs some attention.
During the dry winter months, your scalp can become dry and itchy. Although, scalps can act up during any part of the year! If you are anything like me, you will try some healthy alternatives to treating my scalp rather than turning to pharmaceuticals. You will feel confident knowing how to use home remedies for dry scalp after reading this post.
This post is all about home remedies for dry scalp.
There are several reasons why someone has dry scalp such as over-washing their hair, being dehydrated, or even having skin problems such as psoriasis. Below are several home remedies for dry scalp that will bring relief.
1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree oil is an important home remedy to remember because it not only helps with common dry scalp, but it also brings relief to a scalp with psoriasis. It is very moisturizing, bringing relief to flakiness on your scalp too. T-Gel is one type of shampoo that is commonly sold that contains Tea Tree oil.

If you have a bottle of Tea Tree oil at home, you can dilute it with a carrier oil and massage it into your scalp. Since you will be using a mixture of oils to put onto your hair, it may be difficult to get it out. To help with this problem, you can also dilute the oil mixture with an additional substance such as aloe vera or apple cider vinegar.
2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another great oil that can be used to help with a dry and flaky scalp. It helps by adding moisture to your scalp. Research has also shown that coconut oil helps with eczema. You can leave the coconut oil on your hair for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.
Alternatively, if you want a more intense “therapy session” for your scalp, you could leave the oil on your hair overnight. You will want to put a towel down over your pillow though as the oil will drip and stain. Or, you could wear a shower cap for the night.
In addition to being beneficial at relieving dry scalp, coconut oil is great for dry skin as well!
3. Aloe Vera

If your dry scalp is causing itchiness as well, aloe vera might be the home remedy you should turn to first. Studies have shown that aloe vera not only brings relief to a dry scalp, but it helps to relieve itchiness that accompanies dry scalp.
To use Aloe Vera, simply apply the gel to your scalp and hair (for added moisture). Let it sit on your hair for 20-25 minutes, then wash out with shampoo. Repeat 2 0r 3 times a week for best results.
4. Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is a pretty awesome home remedy for dry scalp as well as other areas. Witch Hazel is great for absorbing oils, so it is a great tool to use if you have oily hair. It will help to dry it out a bit and give it a fuller look.
Witch Hazel helps relieve itchy and flaky scalp as well. In addition, it also helps to cleanse the scalp of build-up.
To use this home remedy on your scalp, you can just apply it directly. Alternatively, you can add some Witch Hazel to your shampoo. Add in a few drops of the oil to your normal amount of shampoo you would normally use, massage into your scalp well, then rinse off.
It is best to use Witch Hazel with shampoo rather than conditioner since shampoo usually is applied easier to your scalp.
5. Mashed Bananas

It may seem odd, but mashed bananas can offer relief for dandruff and itchiness on your scalp! To use this fun home remedy, mash the bananas up and mix with coconut oil (which is also great for your hair). Apply to scalp and hair strands. Leave on for 30 minutes, then wash out with your regular shampoo.
6. Avocado Oil

Similarly to the mashed bananas, you can mash up an avocado and apply it to your hair. The oil from the avocado will provide moisture to your dry scalp as well as relive the itchiness you may be experiencing.
7. Egg and Yogurt

Let’s discuss eggs first….
For dry hair, you are going to want to use the egg yolk, the part of the egg that is yellow/orange. To use this home remedy, you should mix the yolk with a little lemon juice to cover up the scent. After mixing the lemon juice and egg yolk together, put the mixture into your hands and massage into your scalp.
Apply a shower cap. Let the mixture sit there for 3o minutes and wash with COLD water. Hot water will cause the egg yolk to clump up. If this happens, you need to wash your hair several times before it will come out. Repeat once or twice a month.
For oily hair, use the egg whites. The egg whites help to rid your scalp of build-up. They also help hair-growth and rejuvenation. To use, mix up 1/2 cup egg whites. Massage into the hair and scalp. Let it sit for 20 minutes, and wash thoroughly with COLD water.
Some people choose to use the whole egg which will provide moisture as well as do a cleanse of the scalp.
Now you know what part of the egg to use. The next step is to mix it with some good quality yogurt. You will know that a yogurt is good quality if it has a small list of ingredients, they are all easy to pronounce, and they have probiotics in them. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then wash as normal.
There are many different types of home remedies for dry scalp that you can try, depending on what you have on hand. Some of the home remedies might seem a little silly, but you are taking certain foods that contain healthy properties and putting those properties into you hair and scalp. If you are experiencing dry hair, itchiness, dandruff, ect…just look at all of the different remedies above, and choose the one that is best for your needs and also if you have the correct ingredients you need.
This post is all about home remedies for dry scalp.
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