Want to find immediate relief from a fever? Learn all about the top home remedies for a fever you need to remember.
When you are a family member aren’t feeling good and up running a fever, it can make you feel even more miserable. If you are like me, you will try to find the healthiest way to bring your body back to health. After reading this post, you will know all of the home remedies for a fever you will want to remember.
This post is all about home remedies for a fever.
1. Ride the Fever Out

This one doesn’t sound fun, and it’s truly not. However, your body was designed to raise it’s temperature when sick to help kill the sickness. So when you take away the fever, you are weakening your body’s response to being sick.
So, if your temperature is not at a high level (around 104+), then I would suggest trying to deal with the symptoms with the list below rather than first turning towards medicine to get rid of your fever.
On a side note, in my house, if the fever is effecting sleep at nighttime, I will give Tylenol to lower the fever. But during the day, we try to make the person who is running a fever more comfortable with the options below.
2. Rice Packs

What is a rice pack? Well, it is either a cold pack or warm pack depending on your needs. My family keeps them in the freezer until they are needed. They can easily go into the microwave if we need one warmed up.
Depending on how your feeling temperature-wise (either hot or cold) you could make a rice pack accordingly. If you are hot, put a cold rice pack on the back of your neck or on the inside of your wrists.
You have an artery in your wrist. So when you put a cold compress of some sort on your wrist, you are, in essence, cooling your blood down. As your blood circulates, it can cool your body down.
3. Lukewarm Shower/Bath

If you are running a fever, taking a lukewarm bath or shower can help to relieve the discomfort. You might think you would want to take a cold (or cooler) bath/shower to lower your body temperature. While that is true, you still want to be as comfortable as possible. When you’re running a fever, lukewarm water will feel cooler to your body. Aim for a comfortable lukewarm temperature for the best comfort and effectiveness.
4. Light Clothes

Focus on wearing light comfortable clothes rather than heavier clothes. You can always cover up with a light blanket of you have the chills, but keeping light clothes on will help to relieve some of the discomfort you are experiencing.
5. Avoid Extra Blankets

When you have the chills, try to avoid extra heavy blankets. While you are wanting to be warm, you also want to try and encourage your body temperature to come down. If you have blankets piled on you, you will be raising your temperature more. Try to use lighter blankets, or even a sheet if that’s enough for you.
6. Stay Hydrated

As your body temperature rises, your body gets more dehydrated. It is common for children as well as adults use a hydration drink such as Pedialyte, Gatoraide, Powerade, etc. I would caution you against these drinks. The sugar content in these drinks is high. There is not much “good for you” ingredients. When you are feeling under the weather and have a fever, you want to fuel your body with the kind of nutrition it needs to help fight off the sickness. Sugar makes your immune system not as strong, so staying away from sugar is best.
Instead of these drinks or similar ones, drink water. Lots of water. It will help you to stay hydrated and is just a pure drink not filled with anything unhealthy.
Soup broth is another alternative that contains health benefits as well as a liquid for hydration.
7. Soups

Nothing tastes much better than a good soup when you are sick. While it can bring relief to a sore throat, it can also help to warm you up if you have chills.
Chicken noodle soup is a common soup that is used for colds among people but any kind of soup you like will be beneficial. The broth from soup helps to keep you hydrated which is extremely important when you are sick. In addition, if you are sweating from a fever, you need to replenish those lost liquids.
There is also usually steam that rises from a bowl of hot soup. That steam can open up your sinuses and relieve congestion.
Soups are typically filled with protein, electrolytes, and many nutrients so it is a great home remedies for a fever you should remember.
8. Vitamin C

While Vitamin C won’t lower your fever or help you with your symptoms of running a fever, it can help build up your immune system to help you feel better quicker. Some ways to consume Vitamin C is through an actual vitamin, orange juice, Emergen-C, brocolli, brussel sprouts, kiwi, lemons, strawberries, cantaloupe, and blackberries. While you might not feel like eating all of those types of things while you are running a fever, they all contain vitamin c.
9. Ice Cubes

Eating ice isn’t good for your teeth, but sucking on some ice can help to give you a little fluid as well as something cold to help relieve the heat that comes from running a fever,
10. Rest/Sleep

Giving your body a chance to rest is an extremely important part of feeling better. Your body needs to conserve energy in order for it to put all of its “fight” into the sickness that has invaded your body. Sleep as much as possible.
11. Garlic

Garlic is truly an amazing plant. This root has so many healing properties in it. Cook with it in food (in those soups we talked about above), or you could crush 2-3 cloves, mix in water and drink it.
Alternatively, if you are brave enough, you can just eat the garlic cloves! It should help to reduce the fever, no matter how you get the garlic into your system.
In conclusion, when you are sick and you havre a fever, it is best to try and ride out the fever. Your body was designed to be able to fight off sicknesses, so let it do it’s thing. But there are some home remedies for a fever that you can implement to help bring some relief to yourself from the symptoms that come with having a fever.
This post was all about home remedies for a fever.
Chances are, if you have a fever, you are having some other symptoms as well. You might be interested in the following posts to help bring healing and relief to the other parts of you that aren’t feeling good.