80% of Americans have experienced back pain at some point in their life. Back pain is the third most common reason people go to the doctor. So it would make sense that we need to find some home remedies for back pain to help bring relief to so many people who are suffering. Changes are if you are not the one who has back pain, you know someone who does.
Since so many people are experiencing back pain, I wanted to share some home remedies for back pain that you could try at home instead of jumping right to the over-the-counter medicine. We are commonly very quick to grab those pharmaceutical medicines when often we could just do some healthier alternatives at home to bring ourselves relief.
This post is all about home remedies for back pain.
Ice Pack

One of the simplest and more effective ways to help with back pain is pretty simple…ice. The coldness has an anti-inflammatory effect on the muscles in the back as well as provides pain relief. If you can also rub the effected area in your back along with putting the ice pack on that area, it usually provides a great deal of relief.
If you are using heat as well, you should alternate 20 minutes cold and 20 minutes heat to maximum results.
Heat is also a great pain relief when it comes to your back, but we will discuss that in the next section. In my online store, I sell rice packs that can convert between an ice pack or a heat pack. If you are interested, you can see the product here.
Heat Pack

Heat is another simple home remedy for back pain that is a great first step to take. The heat relaxes the muscles in your back which can help relieve the pain. Massaging your back in the painful areas before or after the heat can help to bring relief as well.
Again, it is best to alternate between hot and iced, 20 minutes for each.
Arnica Oil

If you haven’t heard of this amazing oil, let me tell you a small part of what it can do! Arnica oil is derived from arnica flowers. This flower contains an incredible amount of healing properties that is truly is hard to believe. One such healing property is to bring relief and healing to sore muscles. The scent of this oil is very mild so it is the perfect massage oil. Massaging is a great way to help your back pain. Adding arnica oil as the massage oil is the perfect combination.
Essential Oils
Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a good choice if you are experiencing muscle spasms. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has a calming effect to help relieve your pain. To use, mix 5-6 drops of peppermint oil with a tablespoon of any carrier oil. I like to use Jojoba oil. Massage onto effected areas twice daily.
Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is one of the best home remedies for back pain if you are experiencing both pain and muscle spasms. This oil calms down spasms, relieves pain, and is an anti-inflammatory. Use 3-4 drops and massage directly on skin. Lavender is one of the few essential oils where you don’t need a carrier oil. Repeat twice a day.
Epsom Salt Baths

Not only would a warm bath be beneficial for relaxation, but adding a cup or two of epsom salts to a warm bath would add some bonus healing components. Epsom salts have anti-inflammatory properties which would help inflammation as well as take away some pain.
Along with the epsom salts, you could add one of the essential oils listed above to your bath as an added bonus.

Stretching out those back muscles help to loosen things up which can bring some relief. It’s important that you know what stretches to do and how to do them correctly so you don’t injure your back further. Here is a list of 10 great stretches you can try. The trunk rotation is my favorite one. Make sure you take the stretching slowly.
Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

There are a few supplements you can take that contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help to relieve your back pain: Turmeric, ginger, and fenugreek. You can use turmeric or ginger in your foods as an alternative.
The best type of healing doesn’t always come from a shelf in a store. There are so many home remedies for back pain that are available to you that actually helps your body to heal rather than just mask the symptoms. You have learned how to help your back feel better.
To get the best results, combine more than one or two of the options above. Maybe you could stretch, take an epsom salt bath with lavender oil, followed my a massage using arnica oil and a heating pad/ice pack application after.
That actually sounds nice even if you don’t have any back pain.
I hope you will give a lot of these remedies a try because I know they will be able to bring some relief to your body, if not total relief.
This post is all about home remedies for back pain.